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WORDS AND WORKS: Berkhamsted resident defies the odds after terminal illness diagnosis

 Published on: 26th January 2023   |   By: Darius Morgan   |   Category: Uncategorized

A Berkhamsted resident who has been repeatedly told he has weeks to live has defied the odds and continues to create wonderful works of art.

In May 2016, Julian was given between a few weeks to a couple of months to live. Since then, physicians have repeatedly given him an absolute maximum of two months to live. In addition to metastatic cancer, steatosis, arachnoiditis and neuropathy, Julian also has a hiatus hernia and, in 2022, fell and broke his back in two places.

But this has not stopped him from pursuing his creative dreams and continuing to create works of art.

Since becoming ill, Julian has written 57 symphonic works and several books, which include non-fiction works on science, music and philosophy, as well as a series of novels following detective Billy Two Hawks, and another series set in pre-First World War Canada.  

In 2016, Julian spent six weeks in Charing Cross Hospital, and now stays in Kilfillan House Care Home in Berkhamsted.

Julian told BerkhamstedNews: “When they first told me [my diagnosis], I responded with some technical questions as to what type of cancer it was, which seemed to throw them into disarray. I simply refused to believe their diagnosis and focused instead on helping others on the ward who were struggling.

“I suppose I am proud of all my activities, but especially of my musical pieces, because it seemed such an impossibility and I like a challenge.”

Julian has recorded with the BA Orchestra, the Dacorum Orchestra, the Hemel Symphony Orchestra and various folk groups, and most recently performed at Berkhamsted Civic Centre as part of Berkhamsted Jazz events.

Julian added: “Considering that I am supposed to be dead, I suppose this is, at least something.”

For more information on Julian’s life and works, visit his website at

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