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‘WONDERFUL WEEKEND’: St Albans Lions Club welcomes members from twinned towns

 Published on: 6th July 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

St Albans Lions Club welcomed fellow members from its two twinned towns last month for this year’s annual meet-up.

The Lions Club hosts its annual jumelage each year, where the twinned towns take turns to host members from each town.

This year, the St Albans Lions Club welcomed the Lions Clubs of Saint-Omer in France and Siebengebirge in Germany. They entertained their guests at The Saint & Sinner Pub in St Albans, Kew Gardens in Richmond, and Mid Herts Golf Club for their 59th Charter Dinner.

Sandrine Duquenne, from the Lions Club of Saint-Omer, said: “Thank you so much for the wonderful weekend in St Albans! We had an amazing time and truly appreciated the warm welcome from our English friends.

“The tri-jumelage between our French, English, and German Lions clubs is a fantastic experience, and we look forward to many more great moments together. We are excited to welcome you to France next year!”

Photo credit: St Albans Lions

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