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WISE WORDS: Pinner resident publishes new book about exciting world of journalism

 Published on: 16th December 2023   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

A Pinner resident has released a new book about his exciting career as a journalist, which included meeting leading figures such as Nelson Mandela and Baroness Margaret Thatcher.

Award-winning journalist and broadcaster Steve Levinson’s book, From Fleet Street to Tweet Street, traces Steve’s career over more than four decades working for local and national newspapers, the Press Association national news agency, BBC News, Channel Four News, and his own media companies.

Steve said: “There have been huge changes to the way journalists work. When I started, there were no mobile phones or Google searches. The papers were produced by a hot metal and heavy industrial process.”

When Steve began his career as a journalist, working in the news involved scrambling to find public phone boxes, smoke-filled newsrooms, clanking typewriters, hot metal presses and cuttings libraries.

The book explores some of Steve’s career highlights, including reporting on the miners’ strikes of the 1970s, the Wapping newspaper street battles, the Aberfan disaster, and more recent financial and economic crises, as well as the COVID-19 pandemic.

To find out more about the book and to buy a copy, please visit

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