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Pinner schoolgirl smashes IQ test

 Published on: 1st March 2019   |   By: Jake Levison   |   Category: Uncategorized

Pinner has its very own child prodigy in its midst.

Bianca Mudumbi, from Pinner, became the youngest person ever to pass Mensa’s supervised IQ test at the age of 10 years and 10 months.

Bianca took the exam at Birbeck, University of London, at the beginning of last month.

Her mum, Maddy, told PinnerNews: “Her dad booked the test without anyone knowing and said very little to her about what it was about.

“He had heard about Mensa several weeks before and was intrigued by it, especially because he had a real sense that Bianca had particularly high IQ.

“She went into it having no idea what it was about and her dad was careful not to make a big deal of it or stress her out.”

Bianca, a Haberdashers Askes Girls School student, spent two-and-a-half hours taking the test at the university, before her results came back on February 20 – and they were perfect.

In the two sections of the test, Bianca scored in the top one and two per cent respectively, meaning Mensa have welcomed her as a member of their High IQ Society.

Maddy said: “I was immensely surprised and incredibly excited, I honestly couldn’t believe it. Her dad was less surprised, but equally excited. 

“When we told her she got 100 per cent, her response was ‘Did I?’ She had no idea.”

Bianca’s dad, Anil, said: “I’m immensely proud of her, and I hope this gives her a great deal of confidence.

“I knew she had high IQ ever since she was three; in nursery, they used to call her ‘The Puzzle Queen’. I expected her to do well on the test, but I had no idea she’d get full marks.”

Bianca has a firm interest in physics and astronomy, and intends on working towards reversing global warming in the future. 

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