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WHO DARES: Former reality TV show contestant helps others reach fitness goals

 Published on: 28th June 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

A contestant on SAS: Who Dares Wins has used his experience on the reality TV show to create his own fitness boot camp in Shenley.

Giuseppe Caggiano took part in the TV show, in which contestants are tested mentally and physically by ex-special forces operatives, back in 2018.

Speaking to RADLETTnews, Giuseppe said: “I watched the second series. Like most gym guys, I thought I would love to give it a go, thinking at least I can say I applied.”

Giuseppe got the invite to take part in the show following a tough interview process. With only 10 days’ notice, he was off to Morrocco. For his first task, he had to jump 30 feet from a helicopter into a reservoir while wearing full kit.

Giuseppe spent nearly two weeks without contact with the outside world being “put through the wringer”. The tasks ranged from endless ‘beasting’ sessions and climbing mountains carrying fellow contestants on his shoulder, to rope traversing a ravine and completing the gruelling resistance to interrogation process.

He explained: “Anyone can go beyond the expectations they have of themselves; it’s down to how much you want it. There were times when I thought: ‘Why am I here?’ But then there was this cathartic feeling of knowing I was finding new limits I didn’t know I had.”

Now, Giuseppe is using the experience to help inspire others. He set up CIRC-HIIT following the COVID-19 lockdown with his business partner, Zak, to help others reach their fitness goals and achieve greater levels of mental resilience.

Giuseppe said: “My favourite part of it all is watching somebody develop and grow. They come to the class a bit unsure, uncomfortable, or fearful they might give up. The secret is understanding you’re only ever competing against yourself – everyone is on their own individual journey.

“But they keep coming, and we develop their mindset to keep pushing. We teach them how to have a good relationship with that discomfort, and then they prove themselves. I love it!”

CIRC-HIIT has moved from St Albans to Shenley Chapel. To find out more, head to


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