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WEAPONS PROTEST: St Albans anti-nuclear campaigners spread their message

 Published on: 22nd May 2023   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

The St Albans branch of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) has been protesting the return of nuclear weapons to a Suffolk RAF base, even going down there to protest.

On Saturday, May 20, members of the group descending on RAF Lakenheath, where for the first time since 2008, US nuclear weapons are being stored.

Tom Cuthbert is the head of the local chapter of the CND and has been a long-standing campaigner with them on the issue of nuclear weaponry, even getting arrested for his protests before.

Speaking to STALBANSnews, he mainly spoke about what he hopes will happen to the campaign group locally in the near future.

He said: “The future of our campaign in St Albans is trying to get councillors to help us.

“Our case is that defence overspending is a local issue. If we cut back spending on nuclear weapons, we can spend more on the NHS, more on potholes and more on other local problems.

“Reducing government expenditure on nuclear weapons, to support numerous deprived public services is an argument not heard enough.”

To find out more about Tom’s work and the St Albans CND, visit

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