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‘WE WILL SOLDIER’: Residents continue three-year campaign to save badger sett from Pinner Road development

 Published on: 15th June 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

Residents of Pinner Road and The Gardens are continuing their three-year campaign to stop a development being built on the site of a badger sett.

In 2021, it was revealed that a private landowner, MML Investments, had applied to build three blocks of apartments and an access road on a small strip of woodland, which is home to a family of badgers.

On the CrowdJustice page, a statement says: “We started a petition in 2021 to protect this woodland and have amassed 31,000 signatures to date. The landowner has put forward a badger rehoming plan. But this will not work as it moves the badger sett closer to the main road.

“Besides the badgers, the site has a high biodiversity value with an excellent number of plant species. The wildlife will be devastated by the development, especially by light spill, and effectively the strategic green corridor will be cut.”

Despite the opposition, Harrow Council approved the plans for three detached buildings compromising 37 residential units in November last year.

In response, the group has brought together a legal team, who they say have advised that they have strong grounds to apply for a judicial review.

The page says: “We appreciate the need for new homes, but this area of Harrow is now overdeveloped. Many new builds are unaffordable and similar blocks stand empty, that can be perfectly repurposed for affordable housing. The London borough is also ahead of its house building target.

“We want to thank our backers who got us to this stage and now we are appealing to you for more assistance. We will soldier to the end to protect this precious natural habitat.”

The original petition has more than 31,000 signatures, whilst the CrowdJustice Page is aiming to reach £10,000 by July 2.

To read the CrowdJustice page, head to

MML Investments have been contacted for comment.

Photo credit: Caroline Legg

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