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 Published on: 14th February 2014   |   By: The Newsdesk   |   Category:

A health watchdog team visited the Watford General Hospital in December and found blood on the floor, a recent report revealed. In fact, the hospital in Vicarage Road failed to meet NHS standards in five of the six key areas of assessment. They visited the emergency department, acute admissions unit, a surgical ward, a medical ward, the stroke ward, a dementia ward, an orthopaedic ward and reviewed the governance services. They spoke to 29 patients, 40 members of staff and members of the executive team. A summary of the report compiled by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) says the team found problems with cleanliness and infection control across four departments. It reads: “People were mostly satisfied with the care they received. In most cases people were complimentary about the attitude of staff. We found that the trust had responded to concerns around mortality at the trust. Overall mortality rates at the trust had improved. “We found concerns with cleanliness and infection control across four departments visited. We found blood stains on the floor in one area that has not been cleaned. We noted it had dried to the floor at the time of being seen, therefore had been there for some time. On the AAU we found areas of concern around staffing that were not consistent with our findings in the other areas visited. We were told by the executive team that the day of our visit was one of the busiest days for admissions. “We found that the governance and quality monitoring services were not effective. Concerns were identified about whether appropriate action in relation to risk management had been taken by the trust. We found that the organisation was well led. The Executive team had responded well to areas of concern. Whilst reactive improvements were noted, long term sustainability will be monitored by the Commission.” This report comes just weeks after it was also revealed that West Herts Hospital NHS Trust has failed its cancel patients with poor administration. Full story to follow in March’s My Watford News.  

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