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‘VIOLENT’: Man jailed after leaving victim with fractured eye sockets in serious assault in Hemel Hempstead

 Published on: 30th August 2023   |   By: News Bulletin   |   Category: Uncategorized

A man has been jailed for seven-and-a-half years in connection with a serious assault in Hemel Hempstead, which left a man with multiple fractures and permanent sight loss.

Leon Edmund, 33, was sentenced at Luton Crown Court on Friday, August 25, after previously pleading guilty to causing grievous bodily harm (GBH), causing actual bodily harm (ABH) and an assault by beating, during an incident which occurred in Warners End, on the evening of Saturday, March 25.

Edmund and the victim, a man aged in his 40s, had been at a charity boxing event in Watford and returned on the same minibus. During the journey, a verbal altercation is reported to have occurred. When they arrived back in Hemel Hempstead, Edmund waited for the victim and his family to get off the minibus.

He then launched a sustained attack on the victim, which the sentencing judge described as “savage”. He twice punched him to the ground and continued to strike him several more times while he lay unconscious and unable to protect himself. He also assaulted the victim’s son and the victim’s partner during the incident. Only when a member of the public intervened, did Edmund finally stop before leaving the area.

The victim was taken to hospital, where it was ascertained that he had suffered multiple and extensive fractures to his face, including both eye sockets, fractured cheekbones, a broken nose and a broken jaw, as well as permanent partial sight loss in one eye.

Edmund was arrested at his address in Ritcroft Street the following morning and subsequently charged.

Detective Constable Leanne Hollowday, from the Dacorum Local Crime Unit, led the investigation.

She said: “This was a violent and sustained attack on a man who was simply enjoying a night out with his family and supporting a friend at a charity event.

“Several people attempted to take Edmund away from the area, but he repeatedly refused and launched his attack, leaving the victim unconscious and with permanent, life-changing injuries.

“I am pleased that the sentence handed down reflects the seriousness of the offence. I hope it gives Edmund a chance to reflect on his terrible actions and time for the victims and their family to continue their recovery from this ordeal.”

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