Police investigating an incident in Hemel Hempstead where police officers were threatened and attacked by members of the public are appealing for anyone who may have captured footage of what happened to please get in touch.
The incident occurred outside Redz bar in the High Street, at around 1.50am on Sunday, February 2.
Officers had been called to the location following a report of an assault.
While in attendance, members of the public reportedly became aggressive and made threats towards the officers before a male police constable was punched in the head.
Two men, a 26 and 27-year-old, both from Hemel, were arrested and have been released under investigation while enquiries continue.
The 27-year-old was arrested on suspicion of affray and assault on police, while the 26-year-old was arrested on suspicion of affray and assault with intent to resist arrest.
Investigator Amy Darby, from the Constabulary’s Case Investigation Team, said: “There were a number of people in the High Street at the time, many of whom were filming events on their mobile phones. I am appealing for anyone who saw what happened, or who captured footage of the incident to please get in touch.”
Anyone with information is asked to email amy.darby3@herts.pnn.police.uk
You can also report information online at herts.police.uk/report, speak to an operator in our Force Communications Room via our online web chat at herts.police.uk/contact or call the non-emergency number 101, quoting crime reference 41/9858/20.
Alternatively, you can stay 100 per cent anonymous by contacting the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or via their untraceable online form at www.crimestoppers-uk.org
Photo courtesy of Google Maps