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TOP SPOT! St Albans duo win £20,000 on BAFTA-winning TV show

 Published on: 31st May 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

A pair of St Albans schoolfriends have won £20,000, in the BAFTA-winning series Race Across The World.

 Despite being the youngest pair to take part, trainee pilot Owen Wood and football referee Alife Watts beat the four other teams in the hit show, travelling 15,000km across the world without smartphones, internet access or bank cards.

Speaking to ST ALBANS News, Alfie said: “We are over the moon! I’m absolutely knackered but the whole thing has been such an incredible process.”

Owen continued: “We watched the final all together with our friends and family, and the majority didn’t know, but it was nice to see them happy for us.”

Over the last seven weeks of the show airing, the pair have travelled from Sapporo, Japan to Gili Meno in Indonesia, winning the hearts of viewers with their undeniable chemistry as best friends, determination to reach the checkpoints, and boyish charm.

Many viewers headed to social media after the final, which aired on May 29, to share their love for the boys.

One comment said: “What a fantastic series – my favourite so far. Loved all the couples but Alfie and Owen thoroughly deserved to win.”

Another said: “Loved all the couples but Alfie and Owen deserved the win. They wanted it the most and worked so hard and the James Bond-like speed boat finished the most exciting end to a series yet!”

Alfie continued: “We were glad we managed to make it in the end. We knew we had it in us to absolutely nail it! We’re on this high and until it properly settles down I don’t think we have fully accepted it.”

The pair have decided the well-earned money will be going towards even more travelling.

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