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TOP PAR: Northwood golf club declared best in Middlesex at annual celebration

 Published on: 3rd July 2024   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

Northwood Golf Club (NGC) has been named Golf Club of the Year at this year’s Middlesex Golf Centenary Dinner.

At the annual event, which took place on Saturday, June 1, NGC general manager Ray Grant accepted the award on behalf of the entire club.

Reacting to the win, Ray said: “The club has come a long way over the past seven years and has proved we are welcoming, inclusive, respectful, responsible and aspirational.

“We have a mission which we are extremely proud of, to provide an exceptional service, outstanding golf and social experiences in an inclusive and welcoming environment.

“Our staff and members pride ourselves in ensuring that NGC is the best course and club it can be and will continuously improve.”

The club also boasts a popular women’s section, rising from 36 members to 110 in just seven years; a modernised clubhouse with an updated security system; a high members’ satisfaction rating; and significant investment in the golf course itself.

Limited NGC membership is currently available. To find out more, contact Ray by calling 01923 821 384 or emailing

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