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THEY’RE HERE! St Albans falcon cam reveals all three eggs have successfully hatched

 Published on: 22nd May 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

The birdwatchers of St Albans will be delighted to know that this season’s trio of peregrine falcon eggs have hatched.

Seasoned feathery parents Boudica and Alban have been taking turns dutifully incubating and protecting their three eggs that were spotted in their St Albans Cathedral nesting tray last month.

Now, the peregrine falcon webcam has spotted three chirping, open-mouthed chicks.

Heidi Mansell, engagement manager at Herts and Middlesex Trust said: “We are delighted that the eggs have successfully hatched. This is such exciting news for the natural world and for our community, who really have taken these birds to their hearts.

“When you see these birds, it really resonates that the latest State of Nature report told us that 43% of birds in Great Britain are at risk of being lost. The Peregrines symbolise how vital it is that humans forge a connection with wildlife so that we can come together to reverse these damning statistics.”

The chicks will be ringed at three weeks old, when their sex will be determined.

You can watch the live webcam at

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