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‘THE EVOLUTION’: St Albans resident launches first slip-on trainer engineered for women

 Published on: 2nd July 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

A St Albans resident has launched the world’s first lace-free performance slippers, engineered specifically for women’s feet.

Martin Dean, 46, spent five years perfecting the QLVR – pronounced ‘clever’ – eco-friendly, athletic, slip-on shoes, inspired by his obsession with the boots in Back to the Future.

Martin said: “We’ve been lacing our shoes since the Stone Age. The world’s oldest shoes are from 3500BC, and they have a lace. It’s time to evolve!

“The majority of all athletic footwear is made to fit a man’s foot shape, then downscaled to women’s sizes on that same tooling to save on production costs. But women’s feet are anatomically shaped differently to men’s.”

Martin, who has spent 30 years designing footwear for global brands, began working on hands-free performance shoes in 2017. The QLVR slippers are inspired by the bone structure of a bird’s wings to allow them to expand and contract.

Martin added: “This is the evolution of the athletic shoe!”

To pre-order a pair, visit

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