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THANK YOU! Pinner primary school hosts Purple Day to raise money for mental health charity

 Published on: 25th June 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

A Pinner primary school held its very own fundraising day for a mental health charity dedicated to the memory of a late Pinner schoolgirl.

Cannon Lane Primary School held its Purple Day on Friday, May 17, where children and staff were invited to wear a purple accessory and make a donation to the Molly Rose Foundation (MRF).

The foundation was set up after Pinner schoolgirl Molly Rose died from an act of self-harm after suffering from the negative effects of online content back in 2017. Since then, her father, Ian Russell MBE, has continued to support young people’s mental health and push the government to change its online safety bill to protect young people.

A spokesperson for Cannon Lane Primary School said: “We raised an incredible, £1,115! A big thank you to all who supported us and MRF who do incredible work to raise awareness for online safety and suicide prevention.”

Speaking to PINNERnews, a spokesperson for MRF said: “We were delighted by the school’s Purple Day – both for the money raised and for the gusto and enthusiasm the children showed.”

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