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Teen pleads guilty to fake ID scam

 Published on: 16th October 2015   |   By: The Newsdesk   |   Category:

A teenager, who used fake identification to collect a parcel from a depot in Radlett as part of a scam, has been given a suspended sentence. Callum Gent, 19, went to the DPD depot in Colney Street on July 4 to collect a John Lewis parcel. He produced a fake driving licence and a gas bill in the name of Gareth Aylott as proof of identity and was given the package. Prosecutor Peter Shaw told St Albans Crown Court on October 2 that Gent returned to the depot two days later with the same papers to collect a Dixons parcel. This time a member of staff was suspicious and the police were called. They checked the driving licence and found it was not genuine. Gent told the police that he had been threatened by men who had said they would “hurt” him if he did not collect the packages. Mr Shaw said he told the officers that two Nigerian men in their 20s had picked him up at Edgware Station and had dropped him off near the depot. Gent of Newham, pleaded guilty to fraud and possessing false identity documents. Ian Dear, defending, said he was of previous good character but was leading a ‘rudderless, somewhat chaotic life’. He said he had pleaded guilty at the first opportunity. He said Gent had given an ‘odd tale’. He said he hoped to go to university next year and had an offer of labouring work earning £575 a fortnight. Recorder Simon Bryan QC said he could pass a suspended sentence because of Gent’s age and previous good character. He passed a 10 week sentence suspended for a year with a condition that he carries out 150 hours’ unpaid work and abides by a three month curfew between 9pm and 6am. He must also pay £300 prosecution costs and a £900 court charge.

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