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Teacher at a Rickmansworth school is jailed after affair with pupil

 Published on: 5th September 2014   |   By: The Newsdesk   |   Category:

LUTON/SOUTH BEDS NEWS AGENCYA female teacher at a school in Rickmansworth who had an affair with a pupil has been jailed for 15 months this afternoon (Friday). Games teacher Emily Fox, 26, and the 15 year old girl, had a secret relationship between 2012 and 2013. St Albans Crown Court was told that, as their feelings grew for each other, the pair exchanged lurid emails, text messages and WhatsApp communications. The court was told it was when the girl, who was a pupil at the Royal Masonic School for Girls, tried to print out an email on her home computer, that the affair was discovered by her parents. While using it, the girl’s father suddenly saw a printed email detailing what had been going on between the pupil and her teacher. He alerted his wife who, in turn, contacted the school, and the police were called in. Today Miss Fox from Bath, pleaded guilty before Judge Stephen Gullick to four counts of sexual activity with a child by a person in a position of trust. Sally Mealing-McLeod, prosecuting, said Fox and the teenager had become friends in 2012 and that remained the case from November of that year through to Easter of 2013. Miss Mealing-McLeod said that following the Easter holidays, the pair’s friendship had become more intense, with them watching television and eating together. The prosecutor said that hundreds of lurid emails, text messages and WhatsApp messages flowed between them, in which they spoke about their feelings for one another, recounting their times spent with one another and what they had done together. Judge Stephen Gullick jailed Fox for for 15 months and told her her name will remain on the sex offenders register for the next 10 years. She was also made the subject of a Sexual Offence Prevention Order to run for 10 years.    

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