The Croxley Green History Project is still recording the memories of long time Croxley Green residents to capture how life in the village has evolved over the decades. Here, we feature some more of the memories already recorded:
The Guildhouse
I had my wedding reception in the Science Room at the Guild House in 1965 in September and in October it burnt down. We used to have dances there and our Girl Guides was in there. It was a beautiful hall and that’s where they used to have the Armistice Service.
The Boy Scouts used to have all their jamborees there every year. It was really used. The women weren’t allowed into the front part where the bar and billiards, snooker was. You couldn’t have women in there, it could just be men.
The Boys Brigade at the Baptist Church
At ten, I joined at the Boys Own club at the baptist church. We did archery. We came from the council estate so we weren’t the best behaved. I remember this chap’s ornamental pond with his prize carp in there and we were trying to spear these carp.
We were pretty badly behaved and after about 18 months, we were over the woods and we had been pretty bad that night, and he just closed it down. Then the church got together and tried to decide what they were going to do with us. Out of that came the Boys Brigade Company here that was formed in about 1952. But we were a rag, tag and bobtail lot!
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