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STREET CHAMPIONS: Dacorum council celebrates more than 1,000 litter picking volunteers

 Published on: 23rd February 2023   |   By: Megan Milstead   |   Category: Uncategorized

Dacorum now has more than 1,000 litter picking volunteers across the borough as part of the Street Champions scheme.

A total of 551 volunteers were from Hemel Hempstead, which is 68 per cent of the overall number.

Councillor Graham Barrett, Dacorum Borough Council’s portfolio holder for neighbourhood services, said: “We are grateful for the time given by our Street Champions, whose hard work to help keep their local neighbourhoods tidy is so important and shows a huge amount of dedication.

“The volunteers are an absolute credit and a valuable asset to our communities and borough, and they deserve huge amounts of recognition.”

To join Dacorum’s Street Champions team, you can register online to get free equipment at

The council can also provide litter picking equipment for community groups and schools to borrow on a first-come-first-served basis throughout the year.

The Great British Spring Clean is taking place during March and April and is an opportunity to organise a litter pick. To take part and borrow some equipment,

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