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SPEED SCARES: Northwood residents urge council to act following crashes on residential road

 Published on: 8th July 2024   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

Locals have warned “something bad is going to happen” after drivers have been seen travelling at up to 60mph on a residential road in Northwood.

Various residents of Hallowell Road have been in touch with Northwood & Ruislip News about the problem, with photos showing damaged vehicles and even one car flipped onto its roof.

The road branches off from Green Lane and has a 30mph speed limit. However, neighbours say that they’ve seen some drivers using the road as a cut-through and driving at speeds of 60mph or more.

This has led to several incidents over the years and residents issuing a plea to Hillingdon Council to step in and help.

Some of these incidents have resulted in vehicles flipping onto their roofs, while others have seen parked cars damaged by drivers who have lost control.

However, despite numerous incidents and the pleas of residents, no speed-calming measures have been installed on the road.

One of the most recent incidents took place on the evening of Saturday, June 27, when a car spun out of control and hit two vehicles parked on different sides of the street. The parked vehicles suffered serious damage. The driver then abandoned his car and fled the scene.

Both of the damaged cars were owned by the sons of resident Lance Green, who spoke to Northwood & Ruislip News about the problem.

He said: “Both of my sons have worked hard to get their cars, with them both being insured and paid for by them. One of them was out celebrating his birthday the night it happened. I don’t know how it happened on both sides of the road.

“Fortunately, my sons are pretty resilient people’ they were insured, and our neighbours were brilliant at taking photos and helping us out.

“However, it’s happened quite a few times now on this road. It’s outrageous. It can’t take much to put in something like speed bumps. The fact that cars havie been going down a residential road, where loads of children live, doing 60mph is ridiculous.

“Something bad is going to happen.”

Lance also said that his son had a close call with a previous crash, when an out-of-control vehicle smashed into the spot where his son had been sitting in his parked car only minutes before.

Fellow resident Sara Mortimer agrees with her neighbour. She said that when the residents have previously raised the issue with Hillingdon Council, they have been mostly ignored, barring a survey on speeding back in 2022.

Sarah said: “We’re fed up with the local council ignoring us. We know that we live on a busy street, but no car should be flipping upside down on a residential road in Northwood. It’s too much.

“We’ve reached out to the council, and they just keep telling us that there’s nothing they can do about it. But sooner or later, it’s not just going to be damaged cars on the road.”

Hillingdon Council has been contacted for comment.

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