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SOLAR SAVINGS: Energy efficiency improvements for 1,500 homes in Dacorum

 Published on: 27th April 2023   |   By: Megan Milstead   |   Category: Uncategorized

Dacorum Borough Council (DBC) is making energy efficient improvements to 1,500 social houses, thanks to the government’s Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund.

DBC and housing associations B3Living, Settle and Watford Community Housing applied for the grant, which will pay for loft insulation, external wall insulation, draught-proofing, installation of solar panels and low-energy lighting.

Darren Welsh, chief housing officer at DBC, said: “This funding is fantastic news, as it means 75 older council homes in Dacorum will be significantly improved for our residents. External wall insulation, loft insulation and solar panels will be installed as a result of the funding grant, which amounts to more than £850,000, while the total investment in this work overall is more than £2million.

“This funding is an example of how we are working hard to obtain the investment required in our homes by working closely with other social landlords through the Greener Herts Partnership.
“Ensuring homes in Dacorum are more energy efficient and sustainable is key, particularly with the significant challenges many people are facing in the borough because of the cost-of-living crisis.”

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