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SLOWCOACH: Hertfordshire County Council faces criticism following proposal of 20mph zone

 Published on: 20th September 2023   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

A consultation has opened on Hertfordshire County Council’s proposals to introduce a 20mph zone around St Albans.

The proposal is part of a larger programme to introduce 20mph zones in areas across Hertfordshire to improve the safety of pedestrians and cyclists, as well as improve safety for all road users.

The consultation, which runs from August 21 to October 9, has resulted in mixed reviews so far.

On social media, one resident said: “Is the implementation of a widened 20mph a top priority when even reported highways issues aren’t being dealt with?”

Councillor Chris White, Leader of St Albans City & District Council, said: “Parents are concerned about letting their children walk to school, and if I had young kids, I would also feel the same.

“There’s more traffic, so we need to make roads safer for the public. For those concerned about the speed, the stop-start nature of the journey will make little difference to your overall drive.”
View the consultation at

Cllr White has asked residents to continue responding to the consultation. You can find out more at

Photo credit: David Kaloczi

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