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SCALA FINANCIAL: New finance firm opens on Kings Langley High Street

 Published on: 20th January 2024   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

An independent mortgage brokers are celebrating after the opening of their new offices on Kings Langley High Street.

Scala Financial was founded in Watford in 2014, but after a recent move-around, has now nicely settled into offices in the village centre, located just opposite the SPAR retail store.

Speaking to Kings News, director of the business Scott Patmore said: “Our history was that we had a beautiful office in Watford, but we had some issues with neighbours there, so we moved to Maylands in Hemel Hempstead.

“But, as we are a family-run business, which pride ourselves, we had the issue where we just lost a bit of our identity, there weren’t even any windows here. We have a lot of clients in Kings Langley, and it turns out one of clients rented the shop we’re now in, so we’ve sub-let it from her.

“Now, we’re back in the community. It’s a more cosy environment, the people of Kings Langley are lovely. Here, people walk past the shopfront and smile, it’s just a nice and good working environment.”

The opening was attended by Watford’s own elected mayor Peter Taylor, who celebrated with Scott and staff with a glass of champagne, toasting to the firm’s future in Kings Langley.

To find out more about Scala, visit their website.

Photo Credit: HOSS Photography

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