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HEART-STRINGS: Herts Guitar Orchestra hopes to serenade new players

 Published on: 1st April 2024   |   By: Sophia Sheera   |   Category: Uncategorized

The Hertfordshire Guitar Orchestra, which practices weekly at Rickmansworth School, is hoping to attract new members after a decline in players has left some roles unfilled.

In particular, the ensemble is looking for bass players and a lead guitarist, although all guitarists able to read music are welcome.

Founder Thomas Parsons set up the group 30 years ago because guitarists are not able to join traditional orchestras.

He said: “Over the past few years, there’s been a real decline in people wanting or able to learn the guitar and musical instruments more broadly.

“However, if you do play, there’s something very satisfying about being part of a group. Playing alone can be boring, but the net result when there’s a few of you is far greater than what one player can do.”

On March 2, the orchestra played an adaptation of the Gentleman Jack theme tune, held at St Mary’s Church in Rickmansworth.

To find out more, please visit the orchestra’s website at

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