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RIPPER EXPERT: Man who claims to have solved murder case hosts book signing in Leavesden

 Published on: 6th July 2024   |   By: Annabel Stock   |   Category: Uncategorized

Leavesden Hospital History Association is hosting two events about Jack the Ripper.

Russell Edwards claimed in his book, Naming Jack the Ripper, to have proven the guilt of Aaron Kosminski, a suspect in the Jack the Ripper case and former inmate of Leavesden Asylum.

In 2007, Russell bought a shawl at auction which is said to have been left at one of the Ripper murder scenes. He had the shawl extensively tested for DNA and says the tests prove the shawl was indeed at the scene of the crime and that Kosminski was the infamous murderer.

In support of Leavesden Hospital History Association, Russell recently led a personal guided tour through the streets of Whitechapel and the sites of the infamous Ripper murders on Saturday, July 6.

Russell will also be signing copies of his newly released graphic novel, Jack the Ripper, at the HIVE Heritage Centre in Leavesden Country Park from 1pm to 3pm on Saturday, July 20.

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