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RICHARD BUTLER: New Mayor chosen to lead Hertsmere

 Published on: 25th May 2024   |   By: Sophia Sheera   |   Category: Uncategorized

A new Mayor has been unanimously elected to Hertsmere after receiving support from each of the Labour, Liberal Democratic and Conservative parties.

Mayor Richard Butler took over from former Mayor Cllr Chris Myers at an inaugural ceremony held on May 15. Previously Cllr Myers’ Deputy Mayor, Cllr Butler has lived in Borehamwood all his life and has served at Hertsmere since 2011.

During his Mayoral year, Mayor Butler will be raising money for anti-suicide charity Campaign Against Living Miserably and local ambulance service Hatzola.

Mayor Butler is joined by a new Deputy Mayor, Cllr Parveen Rani, who is a Labour councillor for Borehamwood.

Separately, the election of a Town Mayor of Elstree and Borehamwood this May also turned out to be something of a historic occasion. The election of Cllr Alpha Collins to the Town mayorship marks the first time in British history that a citizen of Liberia has assumed the role of Mayor in Britain.

Town Mayor Collins is joined by new Deputy Mayor Dan Ozarow and new Elstree and Borehamwood Council Leader Graeme Alexander.

Photo Caption: Hertsmere Mayor Butler, Deputy Mayor Rani, and Elstree & Borehamwood Town Mayor Alpha Collins

Photo Credit: Hertsmere Borough Council


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