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Residents urged to have their say on town’s transport

 Published on: 6th December 2016   |   By: The Newsdesk   |   Category:

Hertfordshire residents have just over a week left to have their say on the future of travel in the county, including travel in Watford. Hertfordshire County Council’s (HCC) Transport Vision 2050 consultation, which closes on December 14, sets out a programme of transport improvements to help manage the increased demands from Hertfordshire’s growing population and economy over the next 35 years. Experts predict that by 2050 Hertfordshire’s population will have grown by around 400,000 to over 1.5m, with huge impact on congestion and journey times, particularly during peak travel periods. The consultation includes several key proposed major transport improvements to help deal with this growth including Sustainable Travel Towns, which will improve sustainable transport links in Hemel Hempstead, St Albans, Stevenage and Watford. Bus rapid transit will create fast, reliable bus connections from Hemel Hempstead to Hertford, serving St Albans, Hatfield and Welwyn Garden City, and another link between Watford and St Albans. Derrick Ashley, cabinet member for transport at HCC, said: “Our strong and successful economy and our thriving communities are built on the bedrock of an efficient and reliable transport network. “However we know by 2050 things will be very different to today, and the decisions we take now will influence the kind of transport network we will have then. “Don’t miss out on your chance to have your say and make suggestions on the major projects and policy changes we require so we can ensure that Hertfordshire continues to be a county of opportunity.” HCC want to hear the views of people who live and travel in Hertfordshire on how to design streets and places to support reductions in car use and greater use of sustainable transport; how to create better public transport links, such as priority bus lanes; and how they look at areas separately to address local needs. To take part in the Transport Vision for Hertfordshire visit

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