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PROPOSED DEMOLITION: Developer responds to criticism of 363-home tower development in Watford

 Published on: 14th June 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

The developer who submitted a plan to build a 16-storey tower consisting of 363 flats has responded to criticism from residents.

Third Revolution Projects submitted the initial application to Watford Borough Council (WBC) in November last year. They proposed the demolition of Apex House in Bridle Path to make way for “a new development of an eight- to 16-storey building, comprising office floor space and provision of co-living studio flats with communal internal and landscaped external spaces”.

The application has received a wave of criticism.

One said: “Watford is already suffering with increased traffic stress, pressure on local services and general overcrowding.”

Another said: “What provision has been calculated for additional doctors, hospital beds, clinics, and fire brigade and ambulance capacity?”

A letter published by Third Revolution Projects on May 10 said: “The applicant has worked hard to address any concerns. We consider to have presented a very high-quality proposal to provide valuable co-living and co-working spaces whilst also protecting the amenity of nearby residents.

“The applicant team have worked collaboratively throughout the application to address concerns, to the extent that the submitted proposals address all planning policies and any residual matters can be addressed via planning conditions.”

Addressing concerns surrounding increased traffic, the letter from Third Revolution Projects states that potential future residents are expected to walk or cycle to nearby facilities, thereby reducing car use.

In response to the issue of added pressure on local services, they said that financial contributions to benefit local services would be discussed during the determination process.

They also addressed concerns over the scale of the development, insufficient disabled parking, and accessibility measures.

You can view the full response on WBC’s planning portal by searching 23/01118/FULM.

Photo credit: Kosy Co Living and CKC Properties

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