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Petition results in council agreeing to fix Parkside Drive

 Published on: 13th August 2018   |   By: Jason Allen   |   Category: Uncategorized

Parkside Drive in Watford should be resurfaced soon after two Liberal Democrat councillors attended a meeting with senior representatives from the county council where this was confirmed.

After a petition from Liberal Democrat Park Councillor Peter Kloss, transport chiefs at County Hall have agreed that resurfacing Parkside Drive must be a top priority.

Cllr Peter Kloss and local county councillor Mark Watkin attended a meeting with senior representatives from the county council where this was confirmed.

Before the resurfacing though, there is a lot of work to be done. In the first instance a survey will be carried out to establish what has caused the dips and humps. 

The results of the survey should be known by mid-October. At that point a specific plan will be made to repair the road. Most likely repair and resurfacing will be carried out in the next Financial Year which starts in April 2019.

Cllr Peter Kloss commented “I’m pleased that thanks to our petition the poor condition of Parkside Drive is now receiving the attention it deserves from Hertfordshire County Council. I look forward to the results of the survey and a firm plan for repair of the road.”

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