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Parking agency responds to criticism

 Published on: 15th April 2016   |   By: The Newsdesk   |   Category:

After a number of complaints from residents who felt “bullied” after challenging car parking fines they received, the parking agency involved have had their say. Private parking company District Enforcement Limited, who run Chorleywood Common car park have been accused of intimidation and not displaying clear signs by a number of residents. However Dyl Kurpil, managing director of DEL, told My Chorleywood & Loudwater News, said: “We’re confident that the signage on site meets all relevant legal requirements.  The fact that the vast majority of users of the car park are able to visit without receiving a charge is a testament to this.  Where someone believes that they have been wrongly issued with a charge, we would recommend challenging the issue via our appeals route. “We regularly review and assess the management of the sites – this includes but is not limited to a review of the signage.” “The Independent Appeals Service is a valuable route of Alternative Dispute Resolution for the motorist and we are proud to offer access to it as part of our appeals process.”

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