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PAGEANT PAIGE: Bushey woman competing for Miss England hopes to help disadvantaged children

 Published on: 11th May 2021   |   By: Lizzie Ellis   |   Category: Uncategorized

A 26-year-old woman from Bushey is competing for a place in the Miss England finals in June to raise money for charity and awareness of mental health.

Paige Ashton, who lives in the town and works in sales, is taking part in the beauty pageant to raise money for Beauty with a Purpose, a charity that helps disadvantaged children around the world.

She told BusheyNews: “I am very interested in making sure children and young people get equal opportunities. I have a big focus on mental health and I think it’s important that children understand how to look after their mental health and self-reflect. 

“We aren’t taught to do it growing up and it’s something many struggle with as they get older. Mental health is often brushed under the carpet, it should be normalised as any other physical illness.”

Paige has previously raised over £1,200 for mental health charity MIND by completing a 2500 burpee and 396km walking challenge. She said that mental health is something close to her heart as she has struggled with it personally. 

Explaining her reasons for entering the pageant Paige said: “I have always lacked confidence, it was not until last year I thought maybe I could do this, it’s not just about standing up on the stage and looking pretty but it’s about what you are giving back to your community and inspiring the next generation that they can do it too.”

Paige has set up a charity raffle where people can donate £2 to Beauty with a Purpose and be in with a chance of winning £50 gift cards.

To get involved in the fundraiser visit

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