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OUTSTANDING: Pinner Wood School encourages pupils to think sustainably

 Published on: 8th April 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

Pinner Wood School has been championing sustainability amongst its students through projects and initiatives.

During Sustainability Week, the school shared the message ‘Voice, Action, Change’ to bring children, staff and the wider school community together to make a difference.

The school has welcomed external speakers talking about biodiversity at home and reviewed the energy wastage in the school building. Staff and pupils have also taken part in outdoor activities.

Each class used their oracy skills to report, debate and share their findings on one of the Global Goals, such as promoting sustainable travel to school. Year 6 pupils created detailed Change Speeches about a sustainability issue.

The school has also taken part in an impressive Trashion Show showcasing pupils’ creativity, as well as a SWISH Swapping event, where families could donate unwanted clothes, toys and books.

Assistant headteacher Amy Reeves explained to Pinnernews: “Following our ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted inspection where the children’s secure knowledge of sustainability was noted, we want to continue to embed these initiatives across our school.”

Photo credit: Pinner Wood School

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