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OBJECTIONS: Watford residents rally to discuss concerns over proposed development

 Published on: 30th November 2023   |   By: Darius Morgan   |   Category: Uncategorized

An Extraordinary Public Meeting was called by a defiant residents’ group standing against a proposed Watford development.

The Courtlands Residents’ Association (CRA) rallied the local community to come together on November 20 to discuss the proposal for 57 new homes on land north of Russell Lane near the A41.

The CRA’s own objections are sixfold, as they point to issues with sustainability, safe access, parking, environmental risks and pollution, the strain on local services, and the protection of the green belt.

The CRA states: “Over the past few months, a group of local residents have come together to urge the mayor, council, and local planning officers to object to the development of the Russell Lane field.

“When it comes to parking, the proposal only lists 87 parking spaces. A highly limited number of spaces for a development where many will likely be multi-car residents, and many of the parking spaces are in fact garages which are likely to be used for storage in place of parking.

“Many local residents are [also] concerned about the impact on local wildlife. Reports indicate that bats, badgers, hedgehogs, and various birds use the site for foraging; while the existing onsite and boundary trees will be impacted due to works and changes.”

The consultation period closed on November 30.

A spokesperson for applicants North Western Avenue Ltd said: “We consulted with the Highway Authority early on, and they agreed that the new homes should be accessed from Hempstead Road. We’ve designed this entrance to meet all road safety rules and even had an independent audit to make sure it’s safe. Our transportation study shows that Hempstead Road can support the additional traffic. The nearby junction at A411 Hempstead Road/Courtlands Drive was examined and found [to be] able to accommodate the additional traffic.

“Our proposed development is of high quality and has been carefully planned.

“We have reached out to the CRA and look forward to meeting them in person to discuss our plans.”

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1 Comment

  1. Ashby Taylor December 4th, 2023, 10:47 am

    Not sure when they ‘reached out to the residents’ unless they’re referring to when they arrived uninvited, unannounced, mob handed and expected to join a private resident’s meeting.

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