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NEW LOOK: Dacorum council seat boundaries to be redrawn as consultation launched

 Published on: 8th July 2024   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

A new consultation is being held in Dacorum, inviting all residents to have their say on changes to the borough’s wards.

Organised by the Electoral Commission (EC), the current map of seats on Dacorum Borough Council is set to be redrawn, though there will still be a total of 51 councillors.

However, the EC is now asking residents to use their local knowledge to provide them with proposals for any ward boundary changes.

Launching the consultation, chair of the EC Professor Colin Mellors said: “We want people in Dacorum to help us.

“We are starting to draw up new wards for Dacorum. We want our proposals for new electoral arrangements to reflect communities. We also want them to be easy to understand and convenient for local people.

“Residents and local organisations can help us understand community ties and identities at this early stage of the process.

“It’s easy to get involved. Go to our website or you can email or write to us.

“Just tell us what you think and give us some details why you think that. It’s really simple, so do get involved.”

The consultation is open until Monday, July 15. To have your say, visit the dedicated website.

Photo Credit: Kieran Lee

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