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NATIONAL CHAMPIONS: Quizzing quartet from Aldenham school prove their edge against opponents

 Published on: 9th December 2023   |   By: Sophia Sheera   |   Category: Uncategorized

A team of four pupils from Edge Grove School in Aldenham were crowned Junior Champions at the Britannica What on Earth Quiz finals in London last month.

The pupils, all with a keen interest in the world around them, are all members of the school’s What On Earth? General Knowledge Club. Each week, the children read Britannica magazine and then participate in quizzes based on the content.

The school then entered a preliminary online heat against more than 100 other schools, finishing in the top four schools nationally. With this achievement came the invitation for Edge Grove’s strongest quizzers to attend the live national finals at Stationers’ Hall in the City of London on Monday, November 27.

Members of the General Knowledge club voted for Year 5 and 6 students Josh Carr, Elliot Walker, Reuben Colton and Sophia Weavers to represent them in London.

In a hotly contested final in London, the squad beat Magdalen College Junior and earned the title of Junior Champions.

For good measure, the young champions were then pitted against the strongest secondary school team from Wymondham High Academy. The squad stood bravely against the older children, coming back from 0-5 down to lose by only two points with a final score of 9-11.

Ed Balfour, head of Edge Grove School, said: “I am thrilled and unbelievably proud of this quartet of Edge Grove quizzers.  They are a fabulous example of Edge Grove commitment, determination, and team spirit, and should be incredibly proud of what they have achieved – they are deserved national champions!”

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