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ANGEL VOICES: Award-winning choir hosts concert in Pinner to raise money for charity

 Published on: 9th December 2023   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

Pinner Methodist Church recently hosted award-winning local ladies’ choir Jubilate Ladies for a children’s charity event.

The concert, which took place at Pinner Methodist Church earlier this month, raised more than £1,400 for Karibuni Children, a UK-based charity that helps Kenyan children fulfil their potential and escape the cycle of poverty.

Steven Kanyatte, trustee of Karibuni Children, said: “We’re immensely grateful to Jubilate and each supporter who attended. The money raised will go towards funding six students’ annual school fees; an amazing result!”

Photo credit: Jubilate Ladies choir

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