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MP and Chancellor visit Rickmansworth

 Published on: 24th April 2014   |   By: The Newsdesk   |   Category:

A company in Rickmansworth welcomed two special visitors on Tuesday, April 22, in the shape of the Chancellor and the Prime Minister. David Cameron and George Osborne were at Skanska to highlight £36 billion investment in infrastructure over the next year. They had an audience of 500 Skanska employees who joined them for a special question and answer session. Mike Putnam, Skanska UK president and CEO, said the visit reinforced Skanska’s position as a major employer, delivering some of the most important infrastructure programmes in the UK. He added: “This includes Highways Agency improvement schemes for the M25 and M1 Junction 19 and the maintenance of a significant proportion of the UK’s road network. We are also delivering seven contracts for Crossrail and we are one of the main contractors delivering Thames Water’s eight2O water infrastructure improvement programme and National Grid’s gas mains replacement programme. “The Prime Minister’s and Chancellor’s visit also recognises the important role that construction plays in the UK economy. For every £1 spent on construction, an additional £2.84m of economic activity is generated. It was great to hear more about the government’s ongoing commitment to invest in quality infrastructure, essential for economic growth. “I would like to thank David Cameron and George Osborne for taking the time to visit us today. It was a great honour for our people to be given the opportunity to ask them questions directly.”

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