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MILK MARVEL: Milk delivery company helps reduce plastic waste in Radlett

 Published on: 8th August 2023   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

Radlett residents are being encouraged to help reduce pollution by switching to a new grocery provider.

Modern Milkman, “the 21st century’s answer to traditional milk round”, launched local deliveries during Plastic Free July, where they delivered groceries to hundreds of Hertfordshire residents in plastic-free and reusable packaging.

Through the app, customers can track their orders and see their positive impact on the environment through a personal plastic saved counter. All drinks come in reusable glass bottles, and everything else is made without plastic and is recyclable. Modern Milkman has so far prevented a total of 76 million plastic bottles from being created in the UK.

Simon Mellin, CEO and founder of Modern Milkman, said: “As an eco-friendly grocery delivery service, we’re passionate about finding new areas where we can help to make a difference.

“We’re looking forward to welcoming Hertfordshire residents to our milkround, so that they too can join the fight against plastic waste.”

To sign up or find out more, please visit their website.

Photo Credit: Modern Milkman

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