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LONG-LIVED: Northwood centenarian with extraordinary life passes away aged 106

 Published on: 14th January 2024   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

A 106-year-old woman who spent decades working at Mount Vernon Hospital in Northwood has passed away.

Anne Corden was born in Kent and had a variety of jobs throughout her life, including amateur artist, dressmaker at Liberty department store, and manager of a convalescent home for RAF pilots.

But her longest career was as a physiotherapist at Mount Vernon.

In her obituary in The Guardian, her granddaughter Louise Corden said: “She discovered that she was too short to meet the strict height requirements [to be a physiotherapist]. A sympathetic official quietly massaged her statistics so that she could be accepted into training.”

Anne married an RAF commander, George, and spent three years living in Egypt when he was posted to a base there in 1948.

She returned to Northwood in 1964, where she worked for the next 30 years before moving to Hampstead.

Anne passed away in December 2023. She had one child, who died in 2020, three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

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