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KIND ACT: Kings Langley resident ‘over the moon’ after being gifted new door

 Published on: 27th January 2023   |   By: Holly Bullen   |   Category: Uncategorized

A Kings Langley resident was the lucky recipient of a new door last month thanks to the generosity of a fellow resident.

Pat Jeffrey was gifted her new door by local tradesman Bob Best after she was nominated for the donation by Rachel Leigh.

Speaking to KingsNews, Bob said the new insulated door will be a great help to Pat, particularly amidst the cost-of-living crisis.

He said: “When it’s your birthday, you get asked to do a fundraiser on Facebook, but I thought I would do something a bit different and give a door away.

“I asked for nominations on Facebook and got about a dozen but chose a woman called Pat. With the current energy crisis, it’s really going to help her. She got a little bit emotional; she’s over the moon.”

Bob also wanted to thank Liam Radmore and Andy Minas who helped to fit the door, as well as Jamie from GAP plastics.

The door was designed using

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