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JOY OF MOVING: MP joins pupils to celebrate worldwide physical education programme

 Published on: 31st May 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

Students from a school in Watford were delighted to welcome Dean Russell MP as part of of Ferrero’s corporate social responsibility programme, Joy of moving.

Over the last decade, the unbranded Joy of moving programme, which Ferrero has delivered in partnership with the EFL Trust and its network of Club Community Organisations, has inspired over 550,000 children to get moving through play and delivered nearly three million hours of learning in hundreds of schools across the UK.

Dean Russell MP visited Holy Rood Catholic Primary School in Watford to see what the kids had been up to.

Discussing the programme at the session, delivered by Watford FC Community Sports & Education Trust, Dean Russell, MP, said: “What a fantastic morning learning about Ferrero’s corporate social responsibility programme, Joy of moving, and taking part alongside the children from Holy Rood Catholic Primary.

“It’s a great community initiative from Ferrero, delivered by the EFL Trust, and I am so grateful to have been able to see it in action with Watford FC Community Sports & Education Trust, and to understand how it’s helping to get more children active through the medium of play.”

Charlie Cayton, director of corporate affairs and communications at Ferrero UK, commented: “We’re delighted to be celebrating ten years of our Joy of moving programme this year which has helped more than 550,000 children get active and delivered nearly three million hours of physical activity and learning in schools. We were thrilled to have the MP for Watford, Dean Russell, come along this morning to see the benefits of the programme and how it inspires children with the key skills they’ll need well into adulthood.

“Today’s visit meant we could show Dean Russell in-person, the various games and activities on offer within the community, and to explain the free resources we have should his other constituents want to get involved. It was also great to see him joining in, enjoying the games and seeing the smiles on the children’s faces as they take part in Joy of moving – as we like to say, whatever the game, let joy win!”

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