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‘JOY AND COLOUR’: Radlett artist’s colourful print exhibited at Royal Academy Summer Exhibition

 Published on: 26th June 2024   |   By: Sophia Sheera   |   Category: Uncategorized

After nine years of putting forward her work, an artist from Radlett is having one of her prints exhibited at the 2024 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition in London.

According to Liz Whiteman Smith, the Royal Academy receives around 16,000 applications every year before shortlisting 4,000 and finally exhibiting only 1,000 of the best entries.

Liz said: “I’ve been screen printing for over 10 years now and exhibiting at the Summer Exhibition has always been a dream of mine.

“My Rainbow Booby print is a celebration of joy and colour. I hope it makes everyone as happy as it makes me.”

Liz was also over the moon to hear that her design is one of 12 pieces of art to be printed onto postcards and sold at the Royal Academy gift shop.

Rainbow Booby is available to view at the Royal Academy of Arts in Piccadilly, London, until August 18. A wider selection of Liz’s work can be viewed at

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