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JOIN IN: Chorleywood u3a to hold online coffee morning on Zoom

 Published on: 17th May 2021   |   By: News Bulletin   |   Category: Uncategorized

Chorleywood u3a are inviting anyone interested to join a special online coffee morning and presentation on Zoom to mark the first-ever national u3a day.

The online event will take place around 10.30am on Wednesday, June 2.

There are more than 1,000 u3as across the UK where members who are no longer working full-time or raising a family can develop their interests and meet new people. 

Chorleywood u3a, founded 11 years ago, is a lively group with 450 members who take part in a wide range of social, learning and physical activities. 

Chairman David Griggs said: “We offer a relaxed and inclusive environment to learn new skills, pick up old hobbies and, most importantly, make new friends. We are open to anyone living in the area who no longer works full time. There are no entry requirements and no exams!” 

For an annual £20 subscription, members have access to more than 40 interest groups, including walking (the most popular activity nationwide), languages, computer skills, local history, digital photography, gardening, astronomy, tai chi, current affairs, books, art and music appreciation. 

David said: “During lockdown, we have embraced technology to stay connected and we are using Zoom to keep most of our groups meeting online. I am so proud of our members in Chorleywood – they have really stepped up to make the best of the situation and remain in touch with each other.” 

The monthly main meeting, which normally is held in the Memorial Hall with guest speakers and a chance to socialise, has also moved online. 

To receive an invitation link, email Tricia King at

By the way: u3a stands for University of the Third Age, but the term was dropped nationally a couple of years ago in favour of the motto “Learn, Laugh, Live”.

More details at or from membership secretary Dee Watson on 01923 774314.

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