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HYRONS LANE: Volunteers in Amersham transform graffitied bridge into colourful mural

 Published on: 21st May 2024   |   By: Darius Morgan   |   Category: Uncategorized

A bridge in Amersham has been rejuvenated thanks to the efforts of a host of volunteers.

On April 16, as part of Amersham Town Council’s “ongoing efforts to improve the local environment”, council staff and Amersham in Bloom volunteers took out their paint brushes and got to work.

The once graffitied Hyrons Lane bridge now resembles a luscious meadow scene.

A spokesperson for the council said: “Huge thanks to the talented artists and indeed the town council staff. The mural really enhances what was a sad looking wall. Thanks again to all involved. We hope that you enjoy the meadow.”

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