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‘HUGELY THANKFUL’: Runners take part in marathon for charity in memory of Pinner schoolgirl

 Published on: 8th May 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

A trio of runners took part in the Brighton Marathon last month, raising money for charity in memory of a Pinner schoolgirl.

The Molly Rose Foundation (MRF) was set up after Pinner schoolgirl Molly Rose died from an act of self-harm after suffering from the negative effects of online content. Since then, her father Ian Russell has worked to support young people’s mental health through the foundation.

Molly’s sisters, Alice and Rebecca, took part in the Brighton Marathon on Sunday, April 7. They ran alongside Diggory Slee, who was also raising money for the MRF. Together, the trio raised £7,000.

The marathon also saw the return of the Coffee for Molly programme, which was inspired by Molly’s love of making coffee for her friends. The initiative has become an MRF touchstone for the importance of starting conversations about mental health. Molly’s name is an acronym which stands for: Make Time, Open a Conversation, Listen, Let Them Talk, You’re Making a Difference.

Café Rust and Flint Owl Bakery in Brighton supported the scheme and the runners by featuring MRF resources in-house on the day of the marathon to promote mental wellbeing. Oeuf Café in Hove also supported the cause by giving each customer a ‘where to find help’ card on their bill tray and all takeaway cups featured the ‘Molly’ acronym sleeve.

A spokesperson for MRF said: “We are hugely thankful to Alice, Rebecca and Diggory for their stamina and efforts.

“For those who knew Molly, they would know how much she loved running, so this was the perfect way to pay tribute to her and to raise money for the charity set up in her name.”

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