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HISTORY HELP: Apsley heritage firefighters return to the job to help with vehicle fire

 Published on: 27th June 2024   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

A group of heritage firefighters working to keep the history of an old private fire service alive had an unexpected shock when they helped to deal with an actual fire.

The John Dickinsons Fire Brigade (JDFB), part of the Frogmore Paper Mill in Apsley, are a group of ex-firefighters/ex-volunteer firefighters who operate a 1938 Dennis Ace fire engine, affectionately nicknamed Green Goddess. They take the vehicle on visits to various fairs across the country.

This is in tribute to the original JDFB, a private service which operated exclusively in the confines of the area’s paper mills until 1991.

However, while heading up to the Marsworth Classic Vehicle Rally on the morning of Sunday, June 16, the squad of veterans came across a car on fire on the A41 layby between Berkhamsted and Tring.

The team helped to protect the occupants of the vehicle from the fire and traffic until the Herts Fire & Rescue (HFR) team arrived.

Fortunately, the HFR squad came along shortly and put out the blaze. No one was injured.

Posting on social media, the paper mill said: “Once a fireperson, always a fireperson!”

Photo credit: John Dickinsons Fire Brigade

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