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HIGH NOTES: Beloved community choir in Pinner to perform annual summer concert

 Published on: 17th June 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

A local choir will perform its annual summer concert in Pinner next month.

Harrow Harmony is a mixed-voice choir that is renowned for its wide repertoire and entertaining concerts. Founded by Hilary Musgrave 25 years ago, the choir performs three concerts a year in venues in the Harrow area, as well as taking part in local competitions.

On Saturday, July 13, the choir will perform its summer concert at Pinner Methodist Church.

Speaking to PINNERnews, a spokesperson for the choir said: “The repertoire will include music from West Side Story, The Beatles, Lou Reed, Despicable Me 2, Karl Jenkins, Bizet, Mozart, and The Greatest Showman.

“This will be the first concert at this venue for our new musical director, Ira Kalechman. Anna Lightbrown will accompany us on piano, and our guest solo artist is pianist Mayumi Iida Stone. Please come and join us. We can guarantee you will have an entertaining evening!”

Tickets will be available at the door or can be purchased in advance. To book, email or call 020 8861 4017.

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