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EAT TO BEAT: Abbots Langley bake sale raises awareness and funds for eating disorder charity

 Published on: 1st April 2024   |   By: Annabel Stock   |   Category: Uncategorized

Baked goods sold, quite literally, like hot cakes at a fundraising event held by an Abbots Langley resident.

Marie Young is an NHS nurse who specialises in child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS). As a mental health nurse, Marie has worked with young people suffering from eating disorders for more than 20 years.

To mark Eating Disorders Awareness Week, which took place from February 26 to March 3 and is spearheaded by the UK’s eating disorder charity Beat, Marie held a bake sale at the CAMHS clinic in Luton which raised £250 in under two hours.

Speaking of the need to raise awareness, Marie said: “Lots of teens are currently struggling with disordered eating, in part due to the influence of social media. We have also seen a massive increase in referrals since the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Patients can be very young – my youngest patient is 10. Autism can also be contributing factor to the development of disordered eating.”

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