Conservative councillors on Three Rivers District Council (TRDC) have announced they will oppose any future developments on green belt land in the district.
As TRDC begins to draft a new Local Plan, the Tories have stated they would oppose one that includes such proposals.
Councillor Philip Hearn, the party’s spokesperson on the council’s Local Plan sub-committee, said: “The initial public consultation on the proposed Local Plan for Three Rivers gave one overwhelming message – hands off our green belt.
“I am delighted that the changes being implemented by central government will now allow this desire to be respected. I now call on all parties to only support a Local Plan which protects undeveloped green belt land.”
Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst, deputy leader of TRDC, said: “The government is only consulting on possible changes and no changes in the legislation have yet been agreed, so until then we are required to work with what the government says.
“Even the Joint Residents’ Associations group accepts some green belt development is required to accommodate the growth of our population.”