Residents at a development in Bushey are delighted that a new defibrillator has been installed.
The defibrillator at Moat View Court in Moatfield Road will provide life-saving equipment to the whole community.
A plaque above the defibrillator thanks county councillor Laurence Brass, who helped fund the defibrillator through the Hertfordshire County Council Locality Budget Scheme.
Speaking to BusheyNews, chairman of Moat View Court Residents’ Association Lawrence Reuben said: “The defibrillator has been fitted to the wall on the outside of the residents’ lounge in Moatfield Road.
“We are an over-60s development and we decided it would be a good idea for our health, and if we can help the community as well, then even better.”
Cllr Brass said: “I was pleased to be able to fund the purchase and installation of this defibrillator from my personal Locality Budget because it will be a much-needed asset to the local community.”